Air Purifier buying guide

Avoid Five Mistakes While Buying [ Air Purifier buying Guide ]

Air Purifier Buying Guide

Online Shopping for Air purifiers is a rather new concept in India and thus, while many of us are buying them for a safer interior, not all of us know how to buy the perfect air purifier for our home. We usually have errors when buying it and here is the Air Purifier buying Guide to Avoid Five Mistakes.

1. Buying The Wrong Features Air Purifier

Once you’re done with the size selection, check your desired features. What are the special features you need for your purifier?

While the basic model is the same for almost all the models, special features like caster wheel, easy mobility, remote controls, digital control, multiple fan speed, programmable timers, filter change indicators, and air quality sensors are some of the features you can expect on a, especially when bought from reputed brands like Samsung.

2. Placing The Air Purifier At The Wrong Place

Placing the air purifier in the bedroom is the best solution because that is where we spend most of our indoor time. You need to remember; that air purifiers affect the air quality of the room only and not the whole house.

For that purpose, you have the mobile air purifiers which can be tugged from room to room, as needed. If you are ready to shell out a little more, a centralized air purifier machine is also available.

They will attach themselves to the existing AC system to ventilate your house clean.

3. Buying Too Small Or Too Large An Air Purifier

The right size of your air purifier depends on the side of the room where it will be installed. You can find air purifiers with different covered area specifications and you should buy one which is closest to your area. You should also consider the ACH (Air Change per Hour) rate of the purifier.

This describes how fast the air can be purified. For allergy or asthma patients, this is an important consideration. There are purifiers that can clean the room air 4 times per hour and these are ideal for those patients.

4. Buying The Air Purifier When You Don’t Need it

We don’t always need air purifiers. If you are living in a green area where the air is good, your house is well ventilated and neither you nor any family member has any breathing problems, you might not need an air purifier. Having stated that, you might need a purifier for a healthier home if you are living in a city or industrial town.

You might need a purifier if you have an allergy or you or a family member suffers from asthma or other breathing problems or if someone in the family is sensitive to the chemicals or has a weak immune system.

5. Not Taking Maintenance Cost Into Account

Every air purifier has a filter and this needs to be replaced periodically to keep the machine’s efficiency at peak. Depending on how many filters are installed in your machine, you need to change them at different intervals.

The pre-filter lasts 3 months, the activated carbon filter runs for 6 months while the HEPA filter will serve you for a year.

When buying the air purifier, you need to ask the seller for the number of filters and how frequently to replace them. There are air purifiers that have one ‘kit’ of filters that can be replaced at one go while some other purifiers are filter-less and use ultraviolet to clean the air from pollutants and germs.

Think we missed something with Air Purifier Buying Guide? Let us know what else you look for while buying air purifiers and we would love to incorporate that in this blog.


So as we have covered some Air Purifier buying Guide you can read these things carefully and keep these in mind while buying and using your products.

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