Question about Pakistani Ecommerce
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Frequently Asked Questions about Pakistani E-commerce

Pakistani ecommerce is a rapidly growing industry, with the value of online transactions reaching PKR 102 billion (about $639 million) in 2020. However, as with any new and rapidly developing industry, there are many questions and concerns that people may have. In this page, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about Pakistani e-commerce, along with answers to help you better understand this exciting and evolving industry. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to start an e-commerce business in Pakistan, or a consumer interested in shopping online, this page should provide you with the information you need.

Q1. How to sell products online in Pakistan?

Selling products online in Pakistan can be a profitable and rewarding business, but it takes careful planning and attention to detail. This article will walk you through the process of selling products online in Pakistan.

Step 1: Determine Your Market

Identifying your target market is the first step in selling products online in Pakistan. This includes knowing who your potential customers are, what they want, and how to reach them. When defining your target market, consider factors such as age, location, income level, and interests.

Step 2: Select Your Products

After you’ve determined your target market, the next step is to select the products you’ll sell. It is critical to select products that are in high demand and that correspond to the needs and interests of your target market. Consider the price, quality, and uniqueness of your products, as well as any market competition.

Step 3: Establish an Online Store

To sell products online in Pakistan, you must first create an online store. There are several ways to accomplish this, including using a platform like Shopify or developing your own website. To meet the needs of your growing business, you should select a platform that is user-friendly, secure, and scalable.

Step 4: Decide on Payment and Shipping Methods

You will need to set up payment and shipping options for your online store in order to facilitate sales. This may entail establishing a payment gateway, such as PayPal or Stripe, as well as collaborating with a delivery service or courier company to handle shipping. Make sure your customers understand your payment and shipping options.

Step 5: Market Your Online Shop

After you’ve created your online store, the next step is to promote it to your target market. To reach potential customers, this could include using social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and other online marketing strategies. Offline marketing methods such as networking and advertising in relevant publications should also be considered.

You can successfully sell products online in Pakistan if you follow these steps. It is critical to thoroughly research your target market, select the appropriate products, and invest in the necessary tools and resources to support your online business. You can succeed in Pakistan’s growing e-commerce market with careful planning and hard work.

Q.2 How to register an e-commerce business in Pakistan in 2023?

It can be rewarding and profitable to launch an e-commerce company in Pakistan, but it’s crucial to comprehend the requisite legal and regulatory requirements. This article will offer a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up an online store in Pakistan.

Step 1:  pick a business structure.

Selecting a business structure is the first step in registering an online store in Pakistan. A sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company are the most typical options. Considering which structure is best suited to your company’s needs and objectives is important because each structure has advantages and disadvantages of its own.

Step 2: Select a Company Name

Following the selection of a business structure, the next step is to select a business name. It is critical to select a distinct and memorable name that reflects the nature of your business and is simple to pronounce and spell. You should also make certain that the name you have chosen is not already in use by another company.

Step 3: Obtain All Required Licenses and Permits

Depending on the nature of your e-commerce business, you may require various licenses and permits to operate legally in Pakistan. This may include registering for sales tax, obtaining a National Tax Number (NTN), and obtaining a Federal Excise Number (FEN).

Step 4: Register Your Company with Pakistan’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SECP)

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is the next step in registering your e-commerce business in Pakistan (SECP). This is a legal requirement for all businesses doing business in Pakistan. You must fill out the necessary paperwork and provide the necessary documents, such as proof of business name registration, proof of business address, and copies of all required licenses and permits.

Step 5: Open a Bank Account

You will need to open a bank account in order to manage the financial transactions of your e-commerce business. You will be able to deposit and withdraw money, process payments, and keep track of your financial transactions with this. Choose a bank that provides the best combination of fees, services, and security for your company’s needs.

Step 6: Establish an Online Presence

A strong online presence is required to succeed in the e-commerce business. Setting up a website, creating social media accounts, and optimizing your online presence for search engines are all part of this (SEO). You should also think about putting security measures in place to protect your online business as well as your customers’ personal and financial information.

You can successfully register and launch an e-commerce business in Pakistan by following these steps. All legal and regulatory requirements must be carefully considered, and professional advice should be sought as needed. Your e-commerce business can thrive in Pakistan’s growing online market with careful planning and hard work.

Q3. What is the future of ecommerce in Pakistan?

The future of e-commerce in Pakistan appears bright, with significant growth potential in the coming years. In recent years, e-commerce has grown in popularity in Pakistan, owing to a combination of factors such as increased internet and mobile penetration, the convenience and flexibility of online shopping, and the expansion of payment options. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the value of e-commerce transactions in Pakistan in 2020 will be PKR 102 billion (approximately $639 million).

Several trends and factors point to a promising future for e-commerce in Pakistan. These are some examples:

Growing Demand: As more consumers discover the convenience and flexibility of online shopping, the demand for e-commerce in Pakistan is expected to grow. An increasing number of internet users, particularly among younger generations, is fueling this trend.

Expanding Infrastructure: As more logistics and delivery companies enter the market and invest in technology and infrastructure, Pakistan’s e-commerce infrastructure is expected to improve in the coming years. This will make it easier for online retailers to reach their customers and for customers to receive their orders.

Government Support: The government of Pakistan has recognized the potential of e-commerce and has implemented a number of initiatives to help the sector grow. This includes policies to encourage the development of e-commerce infrastructure and the use of digital payment methods.

Private Sector Investment: The private sector is also investing in the growth of e-commerce in Pakistan, with companies like Alibaba and Amazon exploring market opportunities. This will provide the sector with additional resources and expertise, contributing to its growth.

Overall, the future of e-commerce in Pakistan appears bright, with significant growth potential in the coming years. E-commerce businesses in Pakistan can capitalize on this growth and success with the right strategies and investments.

Q4. How to purchase from Alibaba in Pakistan?

Alibaba is a well-known website where consumers can buy a variety of goods from suppliers and manufacturers all over the world. To ensure a smooth and successful transaction, there are a few steps you should take if you live in Pakistan and want to buy products from Alibaba.

Step 1: Register with Alibaba

Making an account on Alibaba is the first step in making a purchase in Pakistan. Providing your email address and creating a password are the only two steps in this straightforward process. You can access the Alibaba platform and browse the millions of products offered by various suppliers once you have created an account.

Step 2: Find products online

The next step is to look for the products you want to buy once you have an Alibaba account. You can do this by browsing the various categories listed on the website or by using the search bar at the top of the Alibaba homepage. Additionally, you can use the advanced search feature to filter your results according to criteria like cost, location, and shipping options.

Step 3: Speak with the Vendor

Contacting the supplier is the next step after discovering the products you want to buy. To do this, go to the product page, click “Contact Supplier,” and then fill out the form with your contact details and questions. Consider requesting a product sample or a price estimate for the quantity you are interested in buying.

Step 4: Agree on the price and the terms of payment

Negotiating the cost and terms of payment is the next step after getting in touch with the supplier. This could involve talking about special offers, shipping fees, and payment options. Prior to signing any contracts or agreements, it’s crucial to be upfront and honest about your needs and expectations.

Step 5: Place Your Order and Make Payment

The next step is placing your order and making payment once the price and payment terms have been agreed upon. Bank transfers, credit card payments, and escrow services are just a few of the payment methods that Alibaba provides. The most secure and convenient payment method for you should be selected.

You can successfully order items from Alibaba in Pakistan by following these steps. It is crucial to thoroughly investigate suppliers, bargain for reasonable terms and prices, and use secure payment methods to safeguard yourself from fraud. You can have a smooth and successful Alibaba purchase if you plan carefully and do your research.

Q5. Which online business is profitable in Pakistan?

Depending on your abilities, interests, and financial resources, Pakistan offers a wide range of profitable online businesses. Online businesses in Pakistan that are particularly lucrative include:


Online sales of a wide variety of goods are abundant and have become more and more popular in Pakistan in recent years. If you are able to locate a niche market and provide distinctive or in-demand products at reasonable prices, this can be a successful business.

Digital Marketing:

The demand for digital marketing services is rising in Pakistan as more companies move their operations online. This includes products and services like SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, and online advertising.

Online tutoring:

Another lucrative business opportunity in Pakistan is online tutoring. There is a rising need for qualified tutors who can give students individualized instruction and support as online education becomes more and more popular.


Another choice for launching an online business in Pakistan is freelancing. You can advertise your skills and services to clients all over the world on a variety of platforms, including Upwork and Fiverr. If you have the training and experience necessary to provide in-demand services, this can be a flexible and lucrative business.


By starting a blog, you can launch a successful online business if you love to write and are knowledgeable about a particular subject. by creating high-quality content and earning money from advertising on your blog. You can turn your passion into a successful business by creating high-quality content and monetizing your blog through sponsorships, advertising, and other strategies.

In Pakistan, there are a lot of online business opportunities that can be lucrative if you can spot a need and fill it. For your business to succeed, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and carefully plan your operations.

Q6. Which online shopping is best in Pakistan?

It can be difficult to choose the best online shopping site in Pakistan because there are so many of them. When selecting an online shopping site in Pakistan, keep the following in mind:

Product Selection:

When choosing an online shopping platform in Pakistan, product selection is an important consideration. Find a platform that has a large selection of goods that suit your requirements and preferences.


Pricing is an additional factor to take into account. Look for a platform that provides flexible payment options, competitive prices, and discounts.

Customer service:

When shopping online, providing good customer service is essential to ensuring a simple and stress-free experience. Choose a platform with attentive and helpful customer support.

Delivery and Returns:

Take into account the online shopping platform’s delivery and return policies. Choose a platform with prompt and dependable delivery as well as accommodating return and exchange policies.


Online shopping raises serious security concerns, so it’s crucial to select a platform that takes security seriously. Choose a platform that protects your personal and financial information and utilizes secure payment methods.

The best online shopping site in Pakistan will ultimately depend on your personal requirements and tastes. Before making a choice, it is crucial to conduct research and evaluate the various options.


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