is pinterest social media

How Pinterest which is social media helps in eCommerce business | complete blog 2022

The use of social media platforms has grown exponentially over the last decade. Platforms are now used by businesses, schools, government agencies, and many other sectors to share information. Some platforms are public, while others are private.

In today’s society, social media is a powerful force. It has evolved from a way to keep up with friends and family to a way for businesses to communicate with customers and a way for politicians to make their voices heard. With over half of the population of the United States using social media sites such as Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn, it seems that social media uses has grown more over time.
Pinterest is a platform that provides users with a visual platform that match what they are passionate about. Users are able to upload pictures from their camera roll or various web pages by using the “Pin it” button. Thousands of photos are shared every day, which make Pinterest a constantly updated site for people with varied interests.  The site hosts well over a million pins. Users can follow other pinners to see images that they have saved, commented on, or liked. Followers of a pinner are notified when the pinner posts something new.

Is Pinterest Social Media?

YES, Pinterest is a social media site where users can share and save images that they find, such as crafts, designs, and recipes. Pinterest has over 450+ million active monthly users and has been valued at 29 billion.

What are the benefits of using Pinterest for e-Commerce?

Ecommerce is the purchasing of goods and services via the Internet. Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to upload photos and “pin” them on virtual pinboards in relevant categories.
Shopify found that 71% of Pinterest users are women, who are buying an average of $11,217 worth of products per year. Women are able to post what they want via pins, which can then be shared or repined by others.

How can you use Pinterest in your business?

The rise of social networking has changed the way people interact with one another. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are now integral to the eCommerce world. Brands are taking to social media sites to connect with their customers by providing exclusive deals, discounts, and coupons.
A recent study by eMarketer found that Pinterest is the fastest-growing social media platform for commerce.
The Pinterest platform offers a variety of tools to help brands get their products in front of consumers. For example, pins can be made searchable on the platform, which gives consumers the ability to browse through image-driven content for their next purchase.
Pinterest is one of the newest marketing platforms for e-commerce. Companies are using it to create visual content that attracts customer attention and encourages them to purchase items. Different companies have different strategies when marketing on Pinterest.

Which type of business can use Pinterest?

If you’re still looking for a way to get your business noticed by prospective customers, try using Pinterest. There are no restrictions for businesses to start a Pinterest profile; those companies which are product-oriented are suggested to start Pinterest.
Businesses have been using the platform for years to share pinboards with images and links to products, but it can also be used as a powerful marketing tool where users can create boards of related images and post them on other social media sites. If you are in furniture, DIY, Sports, shoes, Technology etc., you can start using Pinterest.

 Buy Something On Pinterest

Buying from Pinterest is a fun and creative way to find new products. Pinterest offers inspiration through colourful, unique images. But how does it work? It is simple: You can search for products by keyword, or you can browse specific categories like DIY projects, fashion and cooking.
Once you find the product you want, you simply click on the image, and it will take you to the online retailer where you can buy the item! According to a recent Pinterest update, Shop the look pin. When someone clicks on a specific pin, they see some white dots appear to check more related pins. This update help customer to check similar pins on Pinterest; if they like the current, stay on them; otherwise, you can shop another similar product easily.

 How to set up & Optimize your profile for Ecommerce?

Understanding how to optimize Pinterest is one of the most valuable skills

in today’s world. Many people are working on getting more views.
Optimizing your Pinterest profile is essential to stand out from the many brands and people competing for attention on the site. More importantly, you need to pin interesting content before people lose interest and stop following you.  We’ll start with naming your company or brand. Make sure it has a relative meaning for those who have followed you from the beginning of your social media journey.
If you are looking for the key to optimizing your Pinterest profile, here are some tips for you.

  • Convert Personal account to business to get more analytics.
  • Your account needs a catchy name, Include a target keyword in the title and username.
  • Good biodata can help your business more to get targeted customers.
  • An effective profile picture will stand up in the crowd.
  • Make sure you pin have the right keyword in the title, meta, alt txt
  • Upload high resolution and Pinterest specific pin size image which is 2:3 Ratio

Future of Pinterest platform

In 2010, Pinterest launched an online platform with the intention of inspiring creativity. In 2013, it reached 26 million 2020 to 320 Million, and now Pinterest has 450+ Million active users.  Today, over 70% of all users on Pinterest are women ages 25 to 44, many of which use Pinterest as a creative outlet and bookmark for their favourite things.
The social media platform Pinterest has been a crucial part of the marketing strategy for many companies. According to adobe’s report, 64% of marketers have a Pinterest marketing plan in place, and more than 60% of all pins are consumer-generated content. There was a 35% increase in creating new boards last year.
In recent years, the world has been increasingly going mobile. This change has been a major factor in a generation that is more accustomed to using their phone as a primary source of social interaction with friends and family. For Pinterest, 85% of pinners are saving pins from using mobiles, so when the use of mobile increases, the Pinterest worth increases with time.
So with these Pinterest statistics, when it comes to the future of Pinterest, we can say that it’s worth well for promoting your products on this platform, signup today and building your brand.


As we know, people are more addicted to social media, so why not use this for businesses to take more advantage. Ecommerce businesses use Pinterest to generate an active interest in their product by posting relevant and engaging pins for potential customers to see.  So start your Pinterest account today, optimize and start getting traffic to your business.

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