How to Delete Shopify Account

{Easy way} How to Delete Shopify Account | Guide 2022

How to Delete Shopify Account

So you want to How to Delete Shopify Account but you’re not sure how to do it? You’ve come to the right place! After this article, you’ll know exactly how to delete your Shopify account. Whether you want to delete your Shopify account because you’re moving on from your business, or you want to delete an unwanted account from one of your employees, we’ll show you how easy it can be.
The Shopify dashboard is full of great tools and reports, so you might be hesitant to just walk away from it all. Fortunately, deleting your account is quick and easy if you follow the steps below. First, log into your Shopify admin panel and visit the Account section of your profile settings page.
From there, click on the Delete Account button and enter your password to confirm the deletion of your account. You can delete your Shopify account on the Shopify website by following these steps:
Go to the Account Settings page, and click Delete Account at the bottom of the page. If you have any outstanding orders, you will be asked to cancel them first.

You can remove your payment information from this page as well. The process of canceling an order and removing your payment information can take up to five business days to complete before your account can be deleted.
Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to delete a Shopify account and start over with another store or just create an entirely new store with another provider.

Open a Web Browser

It can be a bit confusing if you’re not used to deleting accounts on Web sites and a layman who has not enough knowledge about the deletion of accounts but Shopify makes it easy. In order to delete your Shopify account, you’ll need a web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox or whatever you use.

Log into your Shopify Admin

Shopify Login
First, you’ll need to log into your Shopify admin panel. To do so, go to https://[email ] and enter your email address and password. Once you’re logged in, you should see your dashboard page.

Click Settings

You will see the settings at the bottom In your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then Manage Accounts in your navigation bar. On this page, you’ll be able to see all of your accounts. Click on one of them. Here, you can edit or delete an account.

Click Plan

After that, you have to click on a plan which will lead you to the store page. One more thing before deleting your account is, you have to cancel your subscription before deleting your account. In order to delete your account, you will first need to open your subscription panel. To do so navigate to Shopify > Orders & Shipping.

Click Subscription

If you decide that you no longer want a subscription, there are two ways to end it. You can go directly to your Account page and click Cancel Subscription at the bottom of your Account Information page.
Or, you can go into your Shopify Admin and edit one of your products by clicking on its listing in your Products page. Clicking Delete Subscription will cancel your subscription for that product immediately.
delete and deactivate shopify

Confirm Cancel Subscription and Deactivate / Delete Account

In order to delete your account and prevent future charges, you must first confirm that you wish to terminate your account by checking off

Yes, I want to cancel my account. If you don’t see that option, it means your subscription is currently inactive. Inactive subscriptions can be reactivated at any time without affecting your services or credit card information.
Once you click Cancel My Subscription, do not click anywhere else on that page or on any other page within Shopify.


In the above steps I have clarified How to Delete Shopify Account. It is not as hard as you are thinking but I have tried with the help of steps so now you can easily do it.
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